H2 Hubs will solidify clean hydrogen’s status as an essential component of the nation’s long-term energy strategy. Click to learn more about this exciting concept.

An Ohio-based Clean Hydrogen Hub will supercharge Ohio's economy in the 21st Century.

By any metric, including the criteria established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, Ohio is a top-tier candidate for a CHH

Ohio-based Clean Hydrogen Hub will fuel business growth and job creation in a broad range of industries across the state.
OH2 Alliance members invited to participate in ARCH2 webinar on September 18, learn more about the rollout of the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub

Click here or on the graphic to register. .
DOE announces it will provide up to $925 million for development of ARCH2 Clean Hydrogen Hub, grant award marks major milestone in the OH2 Alliance's drive to ensure that Ohio reaps the economic and environmental benefits of H2 technology
When Midwest Hydrogen Center of Excellence (MHCE), Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA), Dominion Energy, and Cleveland State University formed the Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance (OH2) shortly after learning that the federal government was prepared to invest billions of dollars in the development of hydrogen hubs across the nation, SARTA CEO Kirt Conrad said the group would do everything possible to ensure that Ohio and Ohioans r Ohio and Ohioans reaped the economic and environmental benefits that would flow from the federal government’s commitment to and massive investment in the development of clean hydrogen technology.
On July 31, 2024 the work of the Alliance paid off to the tune of $925 million in federal funding that was awarded to the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED). OH 2 became a leading member of ARCH2 in September of 2022.
"This federal funding will unlock billions of dollars in private sector investment to create thousands of well-paying jobs in Appalachia’s emerging hydrogen economy," ARCH2 leaders noted in a press release issued shortly after DOE announced the grant award. "In partnership with OCED, ARCH2 will create a clean, economically viable, and socially equitable hydrogen ecosystem within Appalachia, revitalizing local communities impacted by the energy transition."
"Clean hydrogen is now an integral component of America's long-term energy strategy, and we are now positioned to be a leader in the hydrogen-fueled zero-emission economy that will drive growth in the 21st Century," Mr. Conrad observed. "ARCH2's CHH will generate billions of dollars in public and private sector investment, fuel hydrogen and zero emission R&D, create and preserve thousands of skilled jobs, lead to a significant reduction in emissions, maximize use of Ohio’s bountiful natural gas resources, and enable leading transportation providers, energy producers, steelmakers, refineries, paper mills, and manufacturers to meet their carbon reduction goals. Every moment we invested in converting hydrogen hubs from an exciting concept to a powerful reality will pay dividends for decades to come."
OH2 will continue to provide members with updates as the project moves forward.
ARCH2 releases detailed information about mulit-state Clean Hydrogen Hub project

Since the Biden Administration announced in early 2022 that nearly $8 billion in funding for the creation of Clean Hydrogen Hubs (CHH) was included in the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) hubs have, for the most part, remained an interesting and enthralling concept that had the potential to generate billions of dollars in public and private sector investment, fuel hydrogen and zero emission R&D, create and preserve thousands of good-paying jobs, lead to a significant reduction in emissions, maximize use of Ohio’s bountiful natural gas resources, enable a wide range of industries to meet their carbon reduction goals, and promote environmental justice.
Now, for the first time, the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2), one of seven groups to be awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Energy has released a comprehensive set of FAQs that addresses the most pressing questions and concerns raised by the OH2 Alliance, other stakeholders, elected officials, community, business, and labor leaders as well as the general public.
The FAQs provide detailed insights into a wide array of topics, ranging from regulatory and permitting processes to detailed explanations of carbon capture and storage technologies, as well as specifics on community benefits and engagement strategies, and the challenges, benefits, and opportunities that will be created in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky in the months and years ahead.
We have posted a number of the most interesting and important questions and answers on the OH2.info home page. The view and/or download the complete FAQ document click on the ARCH2 logo at right. We invite you to review and share this information and to check your email for additional news and updates.
Not a member of the OH2 Alliance? Click here to join and receive news and updates about the ARCH2 project and related issues.

Click the logo to view and'or download the ARCH2 FAQs

What is a hydrogen hub?
A hydrogen hub is a cluster of local hydrogen production, storage, utilization and demand. Hubs provide the infrastructure to match the increasing demand to meet our energy needs. The US Department of Energy (DOE) defines an H2Hub as a “network of clean hydrogen producers, potential clean hydrogen consumers, and connective infrastructure located in close proximity.” The development of hydrogen hubs is an integral step towards the creation of different types of energy networks. The use of hydrogen helps reduce our carbon footprint, which supports climate change efforts. The Appalachian region is home to an abundance of hydrogen and major energy and manufacturing companies, making it the perfect location for a hub.
Will ARCH2 projects produce clean hydrogen?
ARCH2’s proposed projects will only produce clean hydrogen, meeting the full requirements of DOE’s definition of clean hydrogen.

What is ARCH2?
The Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) is a collaborative initiative between the United States Department of Energy (DOE), private industry, state and local governments, academic and technology institutions, nonprofit organizations, and community groups working together to build a safe and sustainable clean hydrogen ecosystem in Appalachia. With a project portfolio that spans West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, ARCH2 will leverage the region’s vast resources for diverse hydrogen production, storage, delivery, and end-use applications.
Will any projects use alternative fuel vehicles?
Yes. SARTA's hydrogen fuel cell-powered public transit buses are included in ARCH2. In addition, two program partners are considering adding hydrogen powered trucks to the scope of the projects.
Where will ARCH2 projects be located?
A hydrogen hub is a cluster of local hydrogen production, storage, utilization and demand. Hubs provide the infrastructure to match the increasing demand to meet our energy needs. The US Department of Energy (DOE) defines an H2Hub as a “network of clean hydrogen producers, potential clean hydrogen consumers, and connective infrastructure located in close proximity.” The development of hydrogen hubs is an integral step towards the creation of different types of energy networks. The use of hydrogen helps reduce our carbon footprint, which supports climate change efforts. The Appalachian region is home to an abundance of hydrogen and major energy and manufacturing companies, making it the perfect location for a hub.
Will ARCH2 use fossil fuels to produce H2?
ARCH2’s proposed projects will use the nation’s lowest-cost natural gas – and in many cases, the nation’s lowest carbon intensity natural gas – as primary feedstock to enable and sustain a regional clean H2 economy across multiple end-use sectors in the Appalachian region while ensuring economic benefits are shared fairly and equitably among local communities. ARCH2 believes a holistic, source-agnostic approach to hydrogen production will bring the greatest number of benefits. Today, the biggest impediment to widespread adoption of hydrogen as an energy source is cost. Thermochemical production processes that utilize carbon-based natural resources are the most economical and cost-efficient methods to produce hydrogen. This supply of low-cost clean hydrogen will enable the build out of a national hydrogen distribution network, help meet clean hydrogen regulatory requirements and ultimately lay the groundwork for the large-scale production and use of clean hydrogen across multiple sectors of the economy. One of the intents of the ARCH2 hub is to develop hydrogen infrastructure and foster the utilization of hydrogen. The infrastructure will initially be served largely by blue hydrogen but as advancements make green hydrogen more cost competitive, end users will be able to transition to green hydrogen without major adjustments to their operations.
Webinar provides important insight/information about OH2/ARCH2 hydrogen hub
SARTA CEO Kirt Conrad and Shawn Bennett, Energy and Resilience Division Manager at Battelle discussed the future of and opportunities created by the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) project during a webinar sponsored by the Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance on November 3. ARCH2 was one of seven hydrogen hub proposals to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. We are pleased to make a video of the webinar and Mr. Bennett's PowerPoint presentation available to OH2 members, the public, and the media.
A message from Kirt Conrad to Members of the Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance
We are pleased and excited to announce that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) to receive up to $925 million in federal funding that will spur the development of a clean hydrogen hub in a region that includes the states of Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky. As you know, our Alliance joined ARCH 2 in September of 2022.
You may view the ARCH2 press release announcing the award here. You may view the U.S. Department of Energy press release here.
We formed the Alliance in February of 2022, shortly after learning that the Biden administration included a total of $8 billion in funding for the creation of clean hydrogen hubs (CHH) was included in the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Our goal was to actively and aggressively promote Ohio as a hub site because we believed the CHH funding created an opportunity for Ohio and Ohioans to reap the economic and environmental benefits that will flow from the federal government’s commitment to and massive investment in the development of clean hydrogen technology,
On the day we launched OH2, we noted that Ohio’s vibrant manufacturing sector, abundant natural resources, skilled workforce, world-class research institutions, and existing end-users of hydrogen including SARTA which operates one of the nation’s largest fleets of hydrogen fuel cell-powered buses, made the state an ideal location for a hub.
Today’s announcement by the DOE proves we were right and validates our decision to pursue the CHH funding. We could not have achieved this goal without your ongoing support. Every member of the Alliance deserves credit for our success.
In the very near future we will conduct a webinar to discuss next steps and the future of the project. Please keep an eye on your email for an invitation to the session. We will also post updated information about the award on our website.
Thanks again for all your support and congratulations on this outstanding achievement.
The Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) team submits clean hydrogen hub funding application to the U.S. Department of Energy
The Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance is pleased, proud, and excited to announce that the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) team, the multi-state, diverse consortium that is leading the effort to secure federal funding that will fuel the creation and growth of a clean hydrogen hub (CHH) in our region submitted its application to the U.S. Department of Energy on April 11, 2023. Funding for the projects, which was included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Recovery Act, creates an excellent opportunity for Ohio, Ohioans, and the region to reap the economic and environmental benefits generated by the federal government’s massive investment in the development and deployment of clean hydrogen technology. You may read ARCH2's press release about the submission here.
The OH2 Alliance, which was formed to lead a the campaign to secure funding for an Ohio-based CHH, joined ARCH 2 in October of 2022. At the time OH2 Alliance leader Kirt Conrad, CEO of the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority, noted that the regional approach had been adopted by states across the nation that were competing for hub funding. “Our region possesses the critical mass of feed stock, producers, end users, infrastructure, highly skilled workforce, and other attributes that will enable ARCH2 to submit the strongest possible proposal to the Department of Energy,” Mr. Conrad said. “We have always believed Ohio and this region are ideal locations for a CHH and we were pleased to have the opportunity to provide input, insight, and information as the ARCH2 team prepared the application.
Mr. Conrad noted that SARTA, which operates the largest fleet of hydrogen fuel cell-powered transit vehicles in the Western Hemisphere and will be an end user of the hydrogen produced in the hub, has already joined ARCH2 and that he will urge other OH2hub Alliance members to do so. “This is clearly the best path forward,” he continued. ““Clean hydrogen is now an integral component of America’s long-term energy strategy and ARCH2 will enable Ohio to assume a leadership position in the zero-emission economy of the 21st Century."
In addition to the OH2 Alliance, ARCH2's more than 160 members include the states of West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky, EQT Corporation, the nation’s largest natural gas producer; Battelle and GTI Energy, Allegheny Science & Technology (AST), as well as private sector industry leaders, utilities, universities, non-profits, and transportation entities. The DOE is expected to announce the projects selected for funding in the fall of 2023.
Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance announces support for ARCH2 hub campaign, will actively participate in the effort to secure DOE funding for regional clean hydrogen hub
Leaders of the Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance (OH2Hub) announced today that the group supports and will actively participate in the campaign to establish and secure funding for the Appalachian Regional Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) that was launched by Battelle, EQT Energy, GTI Energy, Allegheny Science and Technology (AST), and the state of West Virginia on September 27, 2022.
“We formed the Alliance to ensure that Ohio and Ohioans would have the opportunity to reap the economic and environmental benefits that will flow from the federal government’s commitment to and massive investment in the development of clean hydrogen technology,” SARTA CEO Kirt Conrad said. “We firmly believe ARCH2 will enable us to achieve that objective.”
Mr. Conrad said the Alliance will remain an active advocate for the CHH project. “We will continue to serve as a point of contact and source of information about the Hub, recruit end users, work with Battelle on drafting the formal proposal that will be submitted to the DOE, encourage the state of Ohio to formally participate in ARCH2, urge the General Assembly to pass any legislation that may be needed to facilitate the development of the hub, and encourage the business community, labor organizations, local elected officials, and the public to support the ARCH2 campaign.
Click on the OH2hub icon to read the press release issued by the Alliance. Click on the "ARCH2 Release" icon to read the statement issued by the ARCH2 partners. Click on the "Battelle FOA/ARCH 2 PP" icon to view and download a PowerPoint the outlines the FOA response process and the ARCH 2 project. Additional information about ARCH2 and the group's FOA activity will be posted on the Alliance website in the near future.
OH2 Alliance members, business, government leaders discuss ongoing campaign to secure billions of dollars in federal funding for Ohio-based clean hydrogen hub project during Columbus press event
The Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance discussed the broad-based coalition’s ongoing campaign to convince the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to locate a Clean Hydrogen Hub (CHH) in the state of Ohio during a press conference hosted by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce on April 28, 2022. A total of $10 billion in funding for the creation of CHHs was included in the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
Press conference participants included:
Steve Stivers, President, Ohio Chamber of Commerce
Lewis Von Thaer, CEO, the Battelle Memorial Institute
Angelo Kafantaris, CEO, the Hyperion Corporation
Matt Cybulsky, Director, Energy and Chemicals, JobsOhio
Kirt Conrad, CEO, Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA)
Following the press conference, the media and the public had the opportunity to view Hyperion’s XP-1 Hydrogen Electric Hypercar and two of SARTA’s hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) powered public transit vehicles. SARTA operates one of the largest fleets of HFC transit vehicles in North America.
To view videos of the event click on the screens at right or click here to visit the Alliance's YouTube channel.
Click the h2 icon to read, download, and share the first press release issued by the Alliance...
Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance spearheading effort to secure up to $2 billion in funding for clean hydrogen hub project
The Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance, a coalition comprised of energy producers, industrial consumers, research institutions, elected officials, and community leaders is spearheading a campaign to convince the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to locate a Clean Hydrogen Hub (CHH) in the state of Ohio. A total of $8 billion in funding for the creation of CHHs was included in the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
“The CHH funding in the IIJA creates the opportunity for Ohio and Ohioans to reap the economic and environmental benefits that will flow from the federal government’s commitment to and massive investment in the development of clean hydrogen technology,” Mr. Conrad said.